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An Honest Death Row Inmate Login/Join 
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Wow, michelleiscool thinks just like many domestic abusers do: "You (victim) made me do this. If you didn't (fill in the blank), I wouldn't (fill in the blank: hit, kick, blowdart, etc.)." So assuming the guard is a jerk, then he deserved it. That's nice. I guess we shouldn't prosecute people if the victim is a jerk. That would free up lots of prison space and budget money on prosecutions.

Or, we could enforce the rule of law in spite of who the victim is, or who the defendant is, or who the defendant's penpal is, etc. That seems to me to be a much more equitable system.
Posts: 1089 | Location: UNT Dallas | Registered: June 29, 2004Report This Post
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It's hard to use logic with a person who would rather have a fantasy relationship with someone completely unattainable than with a real person.
Posts: 515 | Location: austin, tx, usa | Registered: July 02, 2001Report This Post
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Jane, you're so close minded.

Relationships with death row inmates are often very satisfying for the partner in the free world. Just think, you always know where your significant other is at all times, and there is no chance whatsoever that the relationship can get dangerous or serious or move on to the next level when your man is on the row.
Posts: 2578 | Location: The Great State of Texas | Registered: December 26, 2001Report This Post
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What interests me is that "michelleiscool" lists her profession as "social worker." Most social workers I know who have been in the field for a few years tend to have a healthy dose of realism touched with cynicism.

Janette A
Posts: 674 | Location: Austin, Texas, United States | Registered: March 28, 2001Report This Post
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Originally posted by michelleiscool:
If you don't want stabbed or blown up or "blowdarted" by Chris then just leave him the hell alone. Chris only hurts those who hurt him. Stop hurting him and he will stop hurting you. Imao!!!!

In other words, the dude is a human version of Happy Fun Ball.

Sounds like he is exactly where he belongs.
Posts: 2432 | Location: TDCAA | Registered: March 08, 2002Report This Post
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Yeah, yeah, yeah!! Heard it all before. I can't be hurt by comments anymore. Chris is the first death row inmate that I ever wrote to and he will be the last. I could never go through this again. It's too intense and emotional. I was only ever meant to do this once and I will see it through till the bitter end. Once I have watched him being executed and collected his remains, I wash my hands of ever having anything to do with death row again. I thought exactly as you all did before I wrote to Chris. I was on your side of the fence and that's why I can't get too upset about the comments. I used to make the same comments myself. I used to be one of you. Why I was chosen to do this, I will never know. You can call me a loony if you want. Lord knows, I've questioned my own sanity a few times about this. But here I am and I am just plodding along with no clue as to why I ever wrote to him in the first place. But I did. Once I have kept my promise to bury him according to his wishes, I will go home, pull the covers over my head and sleep for weeks. And I will mourn his loss every single day until I die.........
Posts: 5 | Location: scotland | Registered: April 22, 2010Report This Post
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You like/love/empathize with this guy. We hear you. You think the death penalty is unjust, as to this guy and probably in a more generalized sense. We hear you. And you have had your say.

That moment at the podium has said nothing of the victims. We feel for them. Do you hear us? Many of us believe quite genuinely that the death penalty serves a greater societal good, and we know that the concept of justice transcends the parties in a particular case, whether it's the inmate you care about or the bigger picture we're responsible for seeing. Do you hear us?

This particular discussion has reached its useful end. You are unmoved by what you have read from our members. But your words are no more poignant to those who must deal with these cases, and their victims, regularly than our position is to you. You have made your case and seem to feel very deeply and earnestly about it. I tip my hat to you. But I do not agree with you. Goading and sentimental rhetoric won't change that.

Farewell and godspeed.
Posts: 1233 | Location: Amarillo, Texas, USA | Registered: March 15, 2001Report This Post
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I did not click on the link above to find out for sure, but given the context and suspicious nature of the post, I would advise everyone else to be cautious about the link as well. Where the heck is "Albama" anyway? Seriously. If you're going to spam/phish/infect a bunch of attorneys, at least make it plausible.
Posts: 1089 | Location: UNT Dallas | Registered: June 29, 2004Report This Post
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Yes, this thread is attracting all nature of random posters. (The one referred to by Gretchen has been deleted.) Therefore, we are closing the link to future posts.
Posts: 2432 | Location: TDCAA | Registered: March 08, 2002Report This Post
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