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"I understand the consequence of my crime," Moody, 52, said recently from a tiny visiting cage outside death row. "I made the decision to put myself here. ... I don't blame my situation on anybody but myself."

Posts: 7860 | Location: Georgetown, Texas | Registered: January 25, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Notwithstanding Moody's acceptance of responsibility, do you think any actual innocence/anti-death penalty organization would acknowledge he is guilty and deserving of his sentence?

Posts: 586 | Location: Denton,TX | Registered: January 08, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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A federal appellate court has rejected condemned inmate Linda Anita Carty's bid for a new trial, keeping her on Texas' death row for killing a Houston mother and kidnapping the slain woman's 4-day-old baby.

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled late Thursday that a district court did not err in denying a new trial for Carty, a 50-year-old grandmother and a native of the British Virgin Islands.

Posts: 7860 | Location: Georgetown, Texas | Registered: January 25, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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A death row inmate freed after an appeals court overturned his capital murder conviction has died in an East Texas pickup wreck.

Posts: 7860 | Location: Georgetown, Texas | Registered: January 25, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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... his last words were "Oh sh--!"?
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"Carlos was my friend," he said. "I didn't murder him. What's happening right now is an injustice. This doesn't solve anything. This will not bring back Carlos."

He also complained that the lethal drugs to be used on him weren't allowed to put down dogs.

"I say I am worse off than a dog," he said. "They want to kill me for all this. I am not the man that did this."

Posts: 7860 | Location: Georgetown, Texas | Registered: January 25, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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In his last statement, Oliver said to the Collins' family that he knew they would not get the closure they were looking for, but that he wished them the best. He said, "I prayed for y'all every day and every night. I have only the warmest wishes. I am sorry for what you are having to go through."

To his own family, he said that he loved them and thanked his spiritual advisor, Wayne Whiteside.

He then began quoting Psalm 23 with his voice trailing off as he said "my cup over runneth," as the drugs took effect. His family cried softly as they stood in a small room looking through the glass at their son strapped to a gurney.

Posts: 7860 | Location: Georgetown, Texas | Registered: January 25, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Most of those who will gather at the Greensville Correctional Center in Jarratt readily see the execution as just punishment for the man who masterminded a wave of random shootings that left 10 people dead and terrorized the Washington region for more than three weeks in October 2002. The father of one victim says he would gladly kill Muhammad with his own hands. The prosecutor who sent Muhammad to death row said he plans to watch the lethal injection.

Posts: 7860 | Location: Georgetown, Texas | Registered: January 25, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Muhammad died by injection at 9:11 p.m. at Greensville Correctional Center in Jarratt, prison spokesman Larry Traylor said.

He said Muhammad had no final statement and that Traylor didn't hear him utter any words during the execution.

Posts: 7860 | Location: Georgetown, Texas | Registered: January 25, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Yosvanis "El Cubano" Valle, 34, had denied fatally shooting 28-year-old Jose Martin Junco at a Houston home in June 1999 but said there was little he could do to avoid lethal injection once he lost appeals in the courts.

Posts: 7860 | Location: Georgetown, Texas | Registered: January 25, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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[This message was edited by JAS on 11-16-09 at .]
Posts: 586 | Location: Denton,TX | Registered: January 08, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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You mean the prison is treating the criminals, who tortured and killed their prey, like animals? Do they get to breathe air? Their victims don't. Do they get to eat meals? Their victims don't. Do they get to have any contact - even if it's not direct - with other human beings? Their victims don't. Do they get to write letters? Their victims don't. Look at what they DID to their victims, and they are being treated more humanely than that. Wow - NO TV!? There are households of law-abiding citizens who can't watch TV. Leaks and tight living quarters? There are millions of law-abiding citizens who would give anything to have a roof - even a leaky one - over their heads. There is no Constitutional guarantee of creature comforts, even - or especially - on death row.
Posts: 1089 | Location: UNT Dallas | Registered: June 29, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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And, many honest Americans don't get cell phones, websites, one-on-one spiritual help, free medical care, worldwide pen pal communication, voice in the United Kingdom newspapers, heroin, marijuana, methamphetamine - and the list goes on.

Also, the article mentions "the (uniform) of the condemned: actually it's the outfit of ALL convicts in Texas. And they don't have to recreate with handcuffs on while on death row - bad information given by the article.

Oh yes, the "appellate court" didn't agree that the convicted cold-blooded killer was suffering a fate worse than death while on death row. There was simply no reason to reverse or commute the guilty killer. A small detail misrepresented by the article.
Posts: 751 | Location: Huntsville, Tx | Registered: January 31, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Jennifer Simpson, testified that she pleaded guilty to Davidson's murder and was sentenced to life imprisonment. At the time of Davidson's murder, she was married to Appellant's brother, Danielle. Jennifer testified that, on the morning of January 26, 2000, she, Danielle, and Edward "Pete" McCoy broke into Davidson's house, while Davidson was out, in an attempt to steal money. When Davidson returned home, Danielle asked her for money, but Davidson stated that she had none. On Danielle's instructions, Jennifer put tape across Davidson's mouth, and Pete helped Danielle put Davidson in the trunk of Davidson's car. The three stole forty dollars from Davidson's purse and threw the purse and the contents of her car behind an old Wal-Mart, which was located between some apartments by a field. They also obtained and smoked some marijuana. Jennifer testified that the three spent the next few hours traveling to various towns and places in Davidson's car. When they returned to Palestine, they parked the vehicle and walked to their house. 4 At approximately 3:00 to 3:30 p.m., they walked back to the car with Christina Walker, Pete's sister. As Christina got in the car, she heard Davidson kick the trunk. According to Jennifer, as they were driving back by their house, Christina asked to be dropped off. Jennifer, Danielle, and Pete then went to the Swantz Inn to pick up Appellant. Jennifer testified that Appellant asked Danielle if he "[did] it," and Danielle responded "yeah." Then, Appellant got in the vehicle and they traveled to a Jack-in-the-Box. Jennifer was sent inside to get food, and Appellant followed her in later, telling her to hurry. Jennifer testified that Appellant was wearing an orange toboggan and a Green Bay Packers jacket at the time.

After getting the food, they drove to Wal-Mart where Appellant bought heavy gray tape. Jennifer testified that Appellant and Danielle also talked about a river. They drove the vehicle to a dead-end spot because Appellant wanted to see Davidson. All of them got out of the vehicle, and Danielle opened the trunk. According to Jennifer, Appellant took Davidson from the trunk and threw her "sort of roughly" on the ground. Appellant "flipped" Davidson over, taped her hands and mouth, and then wound the tape around her head. Once back in Davidson's car, they went to an old house where Appellant found a cinder block and put it in the trunk. She believed Appellant began tying the cinder block to Davidson's leg. Jennifer stated that she heard "something like [Appellant] hitting her." Once back in the vehicle, Appellant told them that he had hit Davidson and that "he never liked white folks anyway." Jennifer testified that, to her knowledge, neither she, Pete, nor Danielle had hit Davidson.

At that point, they went to the river. Danielle backed the vehicle up to the river, and he and Appellant got out. Jennifer pushed the brake and heard them "messing" with Davidson. Someone told Pete to get out of the car to get a stick, and Pete got out of the car. Jennifer believed she saw both Appellant's and Danielle's arms move as if they were throwing something. After they left the river, they took Appellant to McDonald's and to the house of his girlfriend, Occtayvia Clewis. Jennifer said that throughout the next two days, Danielle attempted to avoid the police and she had sporadic contact with Appellant. She was taken to the juvenile detention center after she voluntarily agreed to make a statement.

Pete, the other accomplice witness, testified that he pleaded guilty to capital murder and was sentenced to thirteen years in the Texas Youth Commission. Pete was Appellant's and Danielle's cousin. Pete testified that he accompanied Danielle and Jennifer to Davidson's house to steal money. Pete's version of Davidson's kidnapping and murder was similar to Jennifer's, although he denied helping Danielle put Davidson in the trunk of her car. Pete testified that when they picked up Appellant near the Swantz Inn, Danielle opened the trunk and showed Davidson to other persons, including Appellant. According to Pete, Appellant was wearing a Green Bay Packers jacket and orange toboggan. After Appellant saw Davidson in the trunk and before he got in the car, Pete heard Appellant tell Danielle "let's go kill her." He testified, as Jennifer had, that Appellant took Davidson out of the trunk and "slammed" her on the ground and back into the trunk after "yanking" the tape around her mouth and legs. Further, Pete testified that Appellant hit Davidson again. Pete also heard Appellant hitting Davidson after he put the cinder block in the trunk.

Once they were at the river, Appellant told Pete to get out of the car and he did. Pete testified that he did not comply when Appellant instructed him to get a stick. He also testified that, once Davidson was out of the trunk, Danielle kicked her in the face and threw the cinder block into the water. Then, Danielle and Appellant together swung Davidson and threw her in the river. According to Pete, Davidson was moaning and kicking when she hit the water. Danielle went to look for more money in the area where he had thrown Davidson's purse. There he threw out the trash in the car, including the Jack-in-the-Box bag. Danielle then took Pete home. According to Pete, he later made a voluntary statement that Danielle picked him up in a car. In his statement, Pete said that, after traveling to another town, he asked to be taken home when he discovered that Davidson was in the trunk. He was eventually arrested after further investigation revealed that he had not been truthful. Pete identified a Green Bay Packers jacket in evidence as Appellant's and identified himself, Jennifer, and Appellant in the January 26 Jack-in-the-Box surveillance tape.
Posts: 7860 | Location: Georgetown, Texas | Registered: January 25, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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There is a very hollow ring to a father�s protestation that what he misses most, on death row for the last nine years, is his nine year old daughter.

Intercourse with a child�s mother makes you a donor not a father! I�ll save the rest of the explanation for someone that can use it.
Posts: 44 | Location: Amarillo, Tx, USA | Registered: March 03, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Yes, and seeing how he is clearly outside of reality and not at all sorry for what he has done, the best thing the state probably did for that little girl was keep him as far away from her as possible.
Posts: 526 | Location: Del Rio, Texas | Registered: April 17, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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"Yeah, I want to tell my family I love ya'll," said Simpson, strapped to a gurney. "Tell (attorney) Kate (Black) I love her too. Tell brother, my kids I love ya'll. I'm gonna miss ya'll. I'm ready, ready."

Simpson made no comment to the victim's family.

Posts: 7860 | Location: Georgetown, Texas | Registered: January 25, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Thompson, in brief comments from the death chamber gurney, invoked Allah as his God, and thanked friends and his mother for their love and support.

"I know Allah will forgive me," he said.

In a recent interview with The Associated Press, Thompson blamed the spree on the recklessness of youth."It was impulsive ... nothing planned," he said. "Just - Bam!"

Posts: 7860 | Location: Georgetown, Texas | Registered: January 25, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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"I never meant any of your family to get hurt," Thompson said to an empty chamber normally occupied by the victim's family.
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