We've got a guy in our county jail strictly on a parole hold out of Louisiana. He was arrested here in December for possession of a firearm and bonded out. A revocation warrant was later issued and he was arrested again, but the jail received a teletype from Texas parole that the warrant had expired and to release the guy. Louisiana parole went out and got another warrant and here the guy, who has no connection to this county aside from the new charge, sits.
I've spoken with parole in both states and been advised that once we get the guy indicted, arraigned, pretrialed, tried by a jury, convicted and sentenced, Louisiana will come and get him. Meantime, we've got murders, agg sex assaults, etc. sitting at the top of our jury trial docket.
I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but is there anyway to expedite this process and get this guy out of our jail?
Posts: 50 | Location: Jasper, TX, USA | Registered: July 30, 2007
Consider dismissing the complaint. Then Louisiana can come get him within the time prescribed by law, or you let him go. THEN, you can still indict him later, and have a warrant issued. If he is in custody in LA, great. If he is not, then you have a warrant/capias for him. In the meantime, you can work on the other cases and use that jail space more effectively.
Posts: 325 | Location: Texas, USA | Registered: November 16, 2004
Thanks, Larry. I was concerned because this guy's on parole for attempted murder. We could reject the case for the time being &, if Louisiana doesn't "dob" him sufficiently, seek an indictment.
Posts: 50 | Location: Jasper, TX, USA | Registered: July 30, 2007