The following email is circulating throughout the Houston area regarding DWI initiatives during the rodeo. It is mostly an exaggerated urban myth relating to future developments, but is probably having quite a deterrent effect (NO, I did not start it although there will be stepped up patrols in the area!):
Y'all need to be extra careful, as you should always be, this year around the rodeo time. The Houston Police along with just about every other law enforcement agency in the area are starting a new D.W.I. campaign and are kicking it off this year at the start of rodeo. The H.P.D. has purchased six "B.A.T." vehicles which stands for Breath Alcohol Testing. This are large mobile command centers about the size of mobile homes with Intoxilyzers, interview rooms, court certified field sobriety test practitioners, Assistant District Attorney's, as well as nurses qualified to draw blood. There will also be a judge available to sign search warrants for blood of those that refuse breath tests who are arrested for D.W.I. along with the other alcohol related offenses. Officers who stop persons who are suspected of being intoxicated are either transported to one of the BAT vehicle locations or the BAT vehicle will come to them. If you refuse breath even for DWI, they will get a search warrant and take your blood which is obviously worse than breath because it will show things other than alcohol and is often felt to be more accurate. As we know HPD on their own makes mistakes but I think after hearing of this new program feel they are getting it together.
Posts: 68 | Location: Hempstead, Texas, USA | Registered: June 23, 2001
quote:Originally posted by WDiepraam: The H.P.D. has purchased six "B.A.T." vehicles which stands for Breath Alcohol Testing. This are large mobile command centers about the size of mobile homes with Intoxilyzers, interview rooms, court certified field sobriety test practitioners, Assistant District Attorney's, as well as nurses qualified to draw blood.
Sounds like somebody bought some surplus EM-50 Urban Assault Vehicles from the U.S. Army:
Posts: 2432 | Location: TDCAA | Registered: March 08, 2002
Capt. Stillman: When the army assigns someone to a project like this, it usually means they're priming him for a BIG promotion. [Date squeals.]
Congratulations, Warren. It sounds like you're in line for a move to major. Perhaps they'll assign you to the European Command to put the B.A.T. through its paces. Just don't let any enlisted personnel take it out to get it washed.
Posts: 1233 | Location: Amarillo, Texas, USA | Registered: March 15, 2001