| We have no openings at the moment, but don't forget the other small counties within driving distance from A town. Lockhart, Belton, Blanco, New Braunsfels, Llano, San Marcos, Burnet...the list goes on. I have a good friend who commutes daily from Round Rock to Waco, because she got a good doj job there and her hub works in Austin. Hit the road at least a day a week taking resumes to the smaller da's offices, and possibly, if your financial situation will allow, offer to do a free internship if it sounds like one has a job opening soon. The job boards here are good, but not every agency posts their openings here.
I don't speak for the AG's office, but usually I think the AG's hire folks with experience. I could be wrong. |
| Posts: 2578 | Location: The Great State of Texas | Registered: December 26, 2001 |  
| I worked for the AG once upon a time before entering prosecution. The AG's office has multiple divisions, both civil and criminal, but only a few attorneys who do the actual "hands on" trial prosecution of criminal cases-usually at the request of local DA's. Most of the AG's criminal involvment concerns appeals and/or habeas proceedings, some of which can get you into the courtroom but not necessarily into trial. My old division, Law Enforcement Defense (or whatever they call it now), did a ton civil trials primarily in federal court defending TDCJ and other state law enforcement entities whenever they got sued. Although it was civil litigation, it was great trial experience and very "criminal justice oriented." |
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| You are in luck, Patrick. Joe Paterno posted a question similar to yours in Jan., and several of us (including yours truly) gave him some truly First Class advice for getting a prosecuting job.
I don't know how to link to his first post, but there are only about 4 posts from Joe. He goes by joepaterno in this forum (perhaps to disguise his famous identity), so you can find it pretty easily. (Maybe some techno whiz can figure out how to link to his post and put it on here.)
When you read my post to his question, you'll understand why, with your name, you shouldn't have too much of a problem finding a job. |
| Posts: 687 | Location: Beeville, Texas, U.S.A. | Registered: March 22, 2001 |  
| Joe's post and the ensuing replies can be found here. Good luck with your search! |
| Posts: 1116 | Location: Waxahachie | Registered: December 09, 2004 |  