I recently screened a case where the DF is required to register as a sex offender, but has been living w/ a girlfriend at an unregistered address during most of the work week. The DF also started a job in an adjacent city where he worked for a month w/o informing authorities of that city of his employment & status as required by Art 62.051(c)(1) CCP.
Proving an employment violation would be easier to prove than a failure to update residence.
Has anyone prosecuted a failure to register case for this type of violation or any violation of Ch. 62 that did NOT pertain to updating residence information?
We do it all the time. We have done quite a few when the violations are for not updating their employment status. Most of the time, the offenders forget to tell their registration officer that they got fired from their job. It is certainly much easier to prove than a change in residence. If you need any help with something, let me know.