Are there any part time county attorneys out there who concurrently maintain a private practice?
There is a question about local government code 291.006 and whether or not as a county attorney you are required to report your private receipts and disbursements from your private practice to the county.
AG Opinion M-916, published August 2, 1971, states, "House Bill 1089...requiring certain county officials to report and pay to the county
certain monies received by then from the operation of a private business on public property, is unconstitutional, being in violation of Sections 3 and 19 of Article I of the Constitution of Texas and the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Consitution."
I think the Attorney General called 291.006 unconstitutional a few years ago so I don't know that I would use that section of the Local Government Code as much of a club. See M-916 (1971). Gee once I looked up I realized how old I am getting.