There is a trailer park in my county that has been a steady source of 911 calls over the years. Several of the trailers have burned there and the remains, at least those of the trailers, have not been removed. The trailers that have not burned are in an extremely dilapidated state and have been host to several meth labs (thus, perhaps, explaining the fires). The environmental officer has discovered numerous live electrical cables laying on the ground with splices covered by nothing more than electrical tape. Several of the cables lie across roadways (not county roadways). One cable runs across the ground from a utility pole to a chain-link fence. On one particular day, that fence surrounded five kids playing in a large inflatable swimming pool. Needless to say, various county officials desire strongly to close this place down because it is a public health hazard and a breeding ground for crime. Has anyone dealt with a situation like this before? Any suggestions or, better yet, forms, would be greatly appreciated.
Posts: 21 | Location: Canyon, Texas, USA | Registered: June 07, 2006
Late last year a jury found a Hays County defendant guilty under the public nusiance law. The case was filed by local public health officials. I focused on trash and rodents and child safety. On appeal he agreed to remove all the stinky trailers instead of paying a hefty jury fine.
Posts: 5 | Location: San Marcos, Texas, USA | Registered: April 28, 2006