| Scott, is this some arachaic Panhandle curse? I lived in LBB for 5 years and never heard Lbb-ites say that! |
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| Here in Lubbock, we get one or two letters a month. They come in so fast, that I usually save them up for a while before I even attempt a reply. Many times, the letter references a line cut at the intersection of two parallel county roads...or in the middle of a farmer's field...or on a state highway. (In other words...not our problem.) The bill always comes 3-4 months after the repair has been made...making it well-nigh impossible for them to prove who actually cut the line. (We are not the only ones using earthmoving equipment in the rights-of-way. We have farmers plowing fields next to the roads and citizens who take topsoil from the ditches.) As has been stated above, once I get to an atty for the utility (usually located in St. Louis), the matter goes away...especially when I point out the various defenses, including our county reg requiring any utility that desires to bury lines in our right of way to register the installation with the county and maintain the line at least 24 inches below grade. I do not believe anyone has ever registered. Further, most of the utility companies hire third-party contractors to install their lines and these companies invariably leave the lines exposed on the surface. I have considered billing the utility for the assistance our road crews have provided when they gather up all of this line and place it out of harms' a pile on the back-slope.  Seriously, given the increased pace with which these letters have started coming in, we might all want to keep an eye open for any legislation which the phone lobby might sneak in making this our problem instead of their's. |
| Posts: 188 | Location: Lubbock, Texas USA | Registered: October 04, 2002 |  