1. Troy Walden, 219 N. Main St. Suite 406, Bryan, TX 77803 2. Lance Platt, 219 N. Maint St. Suite 406, Bryan, TX 77803 3. Dr. Gary Wimbish, 609 Crosby Road, Milford, TX 76670 4. Larry D. Luther, 210 Mobberly Drive, Longview, TX 75607
The above list of expert witnesses is what I got in return to a request for designation of experts. If anyone has any information or trial transcripts I would greatly appreciate it.
Jason Honeycutt, J.D. Assistant County Attorney Henderson County
Posts: 1 | Location: Athens, TX, USA | Registered: October 04, 2004
I recently tried a DWI with Platt was the expert witness. The jury returned a guilty verdict in 14 minutes. I do have a copy of my cross if you would like it. Email me if you need it and I will get it into the mail ASAP