| Well, thanks for the kind words, Mr. Newell. Coming from a music afficionado such as yourself, that means something to me. I just wonder how we compare to Britany?
But really, it's all about AP. He is the epicenter. I read that in his new book. Me, Scotty Ray, Dr. D, Don, Sarah and Erik are just hanging on for dear life (musically speaking) as AP leads us down the trail.
AP is an exemplary and phenomenal bassist who guides the band well.
Probably because of his investigatory experience, his psychokinetic interviewing skills and his keen powers of observation, it is AP who always asks the probing questions at rehearsals, like:
1. Why aren't we all playing this song in the same key?
2. Is this the same key we played the song in last time?
3. Where are the trumpet, sax and trombone players in the TDCAA membership and why won't they come forward and join the band? MR. S.A. PROSECUTOR THIS MEANS YOU!!!!!! [This message was edited by Greg Gilleland on 10-07-07 at .]
[This message was edited by Greg Gilleland on 10-07-07 at .]
[This message was edited by Greg Gilleland on 10-07-07 at .]
[This message was edited by Greg Gilleland on 10-07-07 at .] |
| Posts: 2578 | Location: The Great State of Texas | Registered: December 26, 2001 |  
| quote: Originally posted by David Newell: they were the band on the casino boat. highlights included:
-a bass player with long, feathered back green hair -a bring-the-house-down (at least that was intended) version of the theme from batman to commemorate their sole appearance on the batman TV show -a version of "rockytop" featuring a synth banjo and yes, clogging.
Jeez, how old was the band? If they appeared on Batman, then they would be, like, as old as Fred Felcman. Like really old. Did Fred join in the clogging on Rockytop? He's a clogger from way back. Comes from a long line of Fort Bend County Cloggers, from what I understand. |
| Posts: 2578 | Location: The Great State of Texas | Registered: December 26, 2001 |  
| It's threads like these, David, that make you revisit choices you made as a young child. For example, I had the opportunity to take clogging lessons as a child, but I thought that it was "foolish" and a waste of time. Instead, I studied the violin, tap dancing, and later, square dancing.
Almost forty years later, I read a post like yours and I see the error of my ways. I could have been out on that riverboat (technically, bay boat in this case) clogging the night away to the hit sounds of Johnny Green et al and impressing the Fort Bend contingent with those long ago honed clogging skills.
That erroneous decision not to take clogging lessons has haunted me since childhood. That is probably the #1 reason I am not a federal judge.
Teach your children, people. Teach your children.
So whilst you were digging the hip sounds of Johnny Green, the TDCAA had a great band making a return appearance at our annual for the umpteenth time, namely, Duck Soup. They didn't play the batman theme. Dang, them fellers are good! None of Duck Soup had green hair and I didn't see any clogging going on either.
My kind of band. |
| Posts: 2578 | Location: The Great State of Texas | Registered: December 26, 2001 |  