Alright you working stiffs, I'd like some help: Without giving trade secrets away to the lurkers, stalkers and figures with the middle name of Wayne out there, does anyone have any real tricks for locating the unlocatable?
I've got a victim in a pretty bad assault case that disappeared a few years ago. Now, before I get swarmed with suggestions, yes I have tried the OIG, AutoTrack, Workers Comp.,, driver's records, NCIC, TCIC, Post office, N.O.K., Labor Board, the usual sources, even thinking about calling Miss Cleo. If you have a good source or suggestion, please email me or call 936-291-2369. Don't necessarily want it plastered here for the Running Man and his ilk to see.
Todd, just wanted to let you know in the presence of these witnesses, lurkers and bond-jumpers that your information did pan-out. Vancouver PD went to the location you came up with and found the fellow's vehicle, so now we know where he hangs out. Thanks again for your help -- cooperation is what it's all about. I know of some agencies we've tried to work with who could use a dose of that!