We are going to do some training and I need a good list of affirmative links for drug cases. If anbody has one please email or fax it to me. Thanks e-mail jaturner@co.wood.tx.us and fax 903-763-5105
A good start is found in Robles, 104 S.W.3d at 651. The point made in Bellard, 101 S.W.3d at 599: that sufficient evidence of possession "customarily emerges from an orchestration of several of a list of factors and the logical force they have in combination" must also not be overlooked. I have used Justice Wittig's chart in Hyett, 58 S.W.3d at 837 in teaching affirmative links. His warning that "links relied upon in prior decisions, taken out of context, may or may not be probative in any given case" is important as well.