We are only a little over 2 months from the summer recess and the US Sup Ct has issued only 23 opinions. We are either about to see a lot of law made in a short time or one of the lowest outputs from the high court in recent history.
One of the lowest outputs. By my count 66 signed opinions (not counting those deciding companion cases more than once) and two per curiam opinions. Interestingly the workload was well distributed. Kennedy, Thomas, Scalia, Roberts, and Breyer 8 cases each; Souter, Ginsberg, and Alito 7 each. But, Stevens only 5. Also of note, the lower court was affirmed in 19 cases (but not in any of the opinions authored by Kennedy).
So, even working my hardest, I write one opinion a month and take the other four months off. Do I have this right? And I get lifetime appointment. Sweeeet.