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Discussion Topic  RE: Can only imagine his last words... (in Criminal) by JB
Following the defense attorney's theory, any gang member could designate his leader as a priest and ......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  Can only imagine his last words... (in Criminal) by JB
Irving Davis, convicted of raping and killing a 15-year-old El Paso girl, has asked a Texas appeals ......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  Proofreading is important (in Criminal) by JB
Reed served five years in prison for carjacking a man at a Lake Highlands 7-Eleven. After his releas......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  How do you handle criticism? (in Criminal) by JB
"Tough prosecution is not something favored by that side of the bar," said Roach, who will leave off......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Death Sentence Tossed (in Criminal) by JB
And those rules will no doubt change again in the future, likely to relax the supervision of lifers....
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Fluke or Liberal Shift? (in Criminal) by JB
The CCA began its retreat from the nonsense in Berry. To read the latest, click ......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  Texting on the Job Warning (in Criminal) by JB
The Supreme Court had a common-sense message Thursday for workers with cell phones and other gadgets......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Pre-trial Diversion: Is a Charging Instrument Required? (in Criminal) by JB
More and more, legislation is attempting to remove prosecutor discretion by codifying the pretrial d......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  Animal Cruelty and Future Dangerousness (in Criminal) by JB
In addition to a growing sensitivity to the rights of animals, another significant reason for the in......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Reporting Illegal Aliens, Texas Style (in Criminal) by JB
In case you are wondering, here is the Government Code definition of illegal criminal alien: Sec. 4......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  Reporting Illegal Aliens, Texas Style (in Criminal) by JB
Arizona has made the news lately with their new law requiring state law enforcement to investigate t......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Only a drunk would ... (in Criminal) by JB
Police in Ellensburg, Wash., said a man looking for a place to sleep broke into the basement of a ba......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  Dow Contempt Hearing (in Criminal) by JB
The CCA today issued an order in the hearing against David Dow, finding that he failed to show good ......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Big News for CSA (in Criminal) by JB
We sent an amicus letter in support of publication of the opinion. We informed the Third Court of Ap......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  Big News for CSA (in Criminal) by JB
The Third Court of Appeals has affirmed the legislature's decision in the new continuous sexual abus......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Fine Only Appeal (in Juvenile Law) by JB
If mom is not happy with a fine on deferred for a puny misdemeanor, this perhaps give us all a clue ......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Juvenile Law

Discussion Topic  RE: DP case: what to do when atty doesn't return app record? (in Appellate) by JB
I've run into the problem before of the defense attorney not returning the record. Generally, a phon......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Appellate

Discussion Topic  RE: Violation of Probation before Appeal Bond Posted (in Criminal) by JB
In our county, the judge imposes a contract that is supervised by the probation department. Same as ......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Violation of Probation before Appeal Bond Posted (in Criminal) by JB
Even if there aren't conditions on the bond, you could file a motion to increase the appeal bond, al......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Violation of Probation before Appeal Bond Posted (in Criminal) by JB
The notice of appeal suspends the probation. So, nothing he does after filing that notice can be use......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

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