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Discussion Topic  RE: Only a drunk would ... (in Criminal) by JB
...ride drunk on Mule Day. ......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Only a drunk would ... (in Criminal) by JB
Police said a Massachusetts man headed to a Vermont prison to serve a two-day sentence for driving u......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Only a drunk would ... (in Criminal) by JB
Drunk in a bar and can't get out, who you gonna call? Police. That's what Todd Fitzwater did in Lexi......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  Only a drunk would ... (in Criminal) by JB
This thread is dedicated to the ridiculous things done by people under the influence of drugs and al......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Forensic Document Experts (in Criminal) by JB
If the evidence of non-accreditation is uncontested, perhaps you should have a writ of prohibition r......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Forensic Document Experts (in Criminal) by JB
Check this ......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Exhuming a body (in Criminal) by JB
Who has standing to challenge the search of a grave?...
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Judge Threatening to PR Bond Murderer (in Criminal) by JB
Sounds like a political problem....
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Judge Threatening to PR Bond Murderer (in Criminal) by JB
That would lead you to another thread on the subject of who controls dismissals: ......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Judge Threatening to PR Bond Murderer (in Criminal) by JB
Dismiss the murder case and announce ready on the aggravated assault. You can always re-indict on mu......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Judicial Keying (in Criminal) by JB
A former Harris County state district judge will pay more than $6,000 for keying cars in his neighbo......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  Exonerated and Re-convicted (in Criminal) by JB
Remember that official list of exonerated persons from death row? It just got shorter by one. Maste......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Why is this man out? (in Criminal) by JB
A condition of Barton's parole from prison in 2009 was that he not drive a vehicle unless it was equ......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Trial judge's authority to seal? (in Criminal) by JB
Welcome and congratulations on your first post....
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Monitoring Social Media (in Civil) by JB
From our office manual: Do not access or use social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, MySpace) durin......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Civil

Discussion Topic  Monitoring Social Media (in Civil) by JB
A service released earlier this week by Teneros, an online communication services company, makes it ......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Civil

Discussion Topic  RE: Basic Info that I can't find right now! (in Criminal) by JB
A lawyer shall not: (b) except as otherwise permitted by law and not prohibited by applicable rules......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Basic Info that I can't find right now! (in Criminal) by JB
Have to wonder if failure to serve the State creates an ethical violation. Sort of an ex parte commu......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Basic Info that I can't find right now! (in Criminal) by JB
Do you have local rules that require such service? In the absence of an express rule of procedure, ......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  What is the crime? (in Criminal) by JB
In Texas, how would you charge this? Prosecutors filed a single misdemeanor charge Wednesday aftern......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

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