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Discussion Topic  How about a new prison? (in Criminal) by JB
The following quote was in a recent story quoting Sen. Whitmire (D-Houston): "It might get costly t......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Disclosure of Rebuttal Witnesses (in Criminal) by JB
Much like the old Autran opinion, I think perhaps the key to distinguishing this case is to note tha......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Knock, Knock (in Criminal) by JB
You don't have to obtain a no-knock warrant to justify a no-knock entrance. At the hearing on the mo......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Why Not Just Flip a Coin? (in Criminal) by JB
This "system" is perfect for liberals and the ACLU. It completes the separation of any concept of mo......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  Why Not Just Flip a Coin? (in Criminal) by JB
January 2, 2005 IDEA LAB Sentencing by the Numbers By EMILY BAZELON Imagine that you could stop a......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  Resolutions? (in Criminal) by JB
Being the new year, I resolve not to post more than 5 times in one day. Anyone else promise anything......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Fine This (in Criminal) by JB
It is so typically American to let the user off while pounding the dealer. Apparently, our sense of ......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Fine This (in Criminal) by JB
I have not found that I need a secret identity to spark disagreement or discussion. I have been told......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  Fine This (in Criminal) by JB
I'd like to see a bill passed that would impose a fine on any politician who claims to be tough AND ......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: World Court? (in Criminal) by JB
Seems the US is not the only nation hesitant to accept the authority of the World Court: December 3......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Noodling Now Nice (in Criminal) by JB
I guessing you also play the mouth harp and spoons. I didn't know you were such the Renaissance Man,......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Noodling Now Nice (in Criminal) by JB
Is that the sound of banjo music I hear, Shannon?...
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  Noodling Now Nice (in Criminal) by JB
What other conduct should be decriminalized? Missouri Approves Fishing With Bare Hands December 28......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Creative Punishment (in Criminal) by JB
Curbs put on parolees' cheer Some must sign New Year's Eve no-driving pledge By JANET ELLIOTT Copyr......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  See, TV is bad for you (in Criminal) by JB
Dec. 23, 2004, 2:16AM Man watching TV in bed is run over by car Buick crashes through the wall ......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Admitting UA reports in revocation hearings (in Criminal) by JB
We have seen that sort of partial admission here, as well. Seems the defendant claimed he must have ......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Admitting UA reports in revocation hearings (in Criminal) by JB
We avoid urine problems by training our probation officers to obtain an admission from a probationer......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Jury Sentencing (in Criminal) by JB
If you are including death penalty cases, the SC has expanded that number by requiring a jury to mak......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: More Proof the End is Near (in Criminal) by JB
What offenses did the defendant commit?...
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: More Proof the End is Near (in Criminal) by JB
Dec. 19, 2004, 1:11AM Town's joy turns to shock Suspect had showed off the newborn and even descri......
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