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Discussion Topic  Seizing pictures from jail (in Criminal) by Andrea W
Here's a question I had posed to me recently: Defendant is in county jail, awaiting trial on several......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Defense Tactic Backfires (in Criminal) by Andrea W
Alex, If the court doesn't have jurisdiction, it doesn't have jurisdiction. The issue wasn't simpl......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Mark Cunningham and Bobby Bell (in Criminal) by Andrea W
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: 2008 Perfect Plea Update (in Publication Updates) by Andrea W
*pokes in* I think I heard the word "expunction"? ......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Publication Updates

Discussion Topic  RE: The Last Words (in Criminal) by Andrea W
I think Virginia bars all felons from voting, so the governor lost that particular vote a while ago.......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: The Last Words (in Criminal) by Andrea W
Sounds like a good reason to vote McCain if I've ever heard one......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Bilateral Discovery (in Criminal) by Andrea W
Oh, I dont' know, better ask your minions about that. ......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Case Summaries Discussion Thread - 6/20/08 (in Criminal) by Andrea W
Just the hearsay, I'd think. Crawford doesn't have anything to do with whether it's offered for the......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Can you drug your wife? (in Criminal) by Andrea W
...I don't know of the offense, but you've got to admit, that's creative!...
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Proposed SOAH 1TAC159 Rules -- ALR (in Criminal) by Andrea W
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: What are you reading? (in Other) by Andrea W
Lisa, you're definitely not alone in loving the Harry Potter books! (Stephen Fry or Jim Dale on your......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Other

Discussion Topic  Problems with Prolixity (in Appellate) by Andrea W
"Lawyers aren't particularly known for brevity, but Vancouver, Wash., lawyer Dean Browning Webb has ......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Appellate

Discussion Topic  RE: DP for Child Rape (in Criminal) by Andrea W
He did recuse himself from the case already. He presented the investigation as sort of a "I know I'......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: DP for Child Rape (in Criminal) by Andrea W
Nah, to really convince him, you need to get ......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: DP for Child Rape (in Criminal) by Andrea W
You don't actually think it would change Kennedy's mind, do you?...
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: DP for Child Rape (in Criminal) by Andrea W
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: DP for Child Rape (in Criminal) by Andrea W
I'm not sure where it started, but I know it was in at least three of the concurrences to ......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Defense Jury Argument (in Criminal) by Andrea W
What about it, Alex? I don't follow. I agree that the court painted with too broad a brush, but ho......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Anders Response (in Appellate) by Andrea W
We usually don't reply to Anders briefs, just a brief letter that basically says "we agree there are......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Appellate

Discussion Topic  RE: Jury Charge for Aggregated Theft (in Criminal) by Andrea W
I don't have multiple paragraphs, but I'll email you an agg theft charge I have....
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

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