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Discussion Topic  RE: Revolving Door Mental Patiens (in Criminal) by Scott Brumley
There seems to be a shortage of bed space for even the high-risk patients. We routinely see cases i......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: And the saga of the road continues.... (in Civil) by Scott Brumley
A little primer on telling SBC/AT&T/Whatever they're called this week to go fly a kite when they fai......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Civil

Discussion Topic  RE: Agree to Agree (in Criminal) by Scott Brumley
10. "I guess givin' the cop the finger wasn't such a great idea, was it?" 9. (In a related vein) "......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Protective Order Query (in Criminal) by Scott Brumley
Venue's probably going to be a sticking point. The Family Code sets venue for a P/O proceeding in e......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Naked in Georgetown (in Criminal) by Scott Brumley
I begin with a disclaimer. My musical tastes aren't as hip as Newell's or as smooth as Greg's. Or ......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Naked in Georgetown (in Criminal) by Scott Brumley
Though it was my eldest daughter who was the big "Saved by the Bell" fan in our household, I underst......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Naked in Georgetown (in Criminal) by Scott Brumley
It's probably going to be difficult to keep A.P. and Nielsen from shedding a few articles when we br......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Theft of Drugs (in Criminal) by Scott Brumley
Is the EMT privately employed? If he works for the government (e.g., hospital district, city or cou......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Pauper burial (in Civil) by Scott Brumley
Our county as a matter of policy goes the cremation route to avoid opening-and-closing-plus-vault co......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Civil

Discussion Topic  RE: Pauper burial (in Civil) by Scott Brumley
Section 691.023 would require the county (as a political subdivision) to send the body to the board ......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Civil

Discussion Topic  RE: Dallas Mediators (in Civil) by Scott Brumley
There's a fellow here in Amarillo that I think very highly of on both fronts, but I've scrupulously ......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Civil

Discussion Topic  Que Padre? (in Other) by Scott Brumley
I'll jump out there and be the first to say it (in my own dorkish idiom). Those of you who didn't h......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Other

Discussion Topic  RE: What are you reading? (in Criminal) by Scott Brumley
Greg's observation about law school couldn't be truer about me. I was a fairly voracious reader bef......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: I heard the band is getting back together...anyone got tickets (in Criminal) by Scott Brumley
The drummer ... as the kids these days say ... "kicks it old school", too. However, I don't anticip......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

Discussion Topic  RE: Commissioner's/County Judge pay AND the CUC (in Other) by Scott Brumley
But Ray does. ......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Other

Discussion Topic  RE: Mental Health Question (in Civil) by Scott Brumley
Both Jim and Etta, whom I know and know to be excellent lawyers, are right. I think their arguments......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Civil

Discussion Topic  RE: Mental Health Question (in Civil) by Scott Brumley
You're probably right. But I'm not sure I'm entirely comfortable resting on cases that find a litig......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Civil

Discussion Topic  RE: Mental Health Question (in Civil) by Scott Brumley
I think the real problem may be statutory, rather than constitutional. Health & Safety Code section......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Civil

Discussion Topic  RE: State or County Entity? (in Civil) by Scott Brumley
At least for federal purposes (and invocation of Eleventh Amendment immunity, since federal courts d......
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Civil

Discussion Topic  RE: Meow (in Criminal) by Scott Brumley
No. 5. It was a favorite when I practiced in the beautiful Hub City....
TDCAA > TDCAA Community > Criminal

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