This forum is for attorneys in the appellate divisions to seek counsel from their brethren, request sample briefs on a particular subject, or simply air questions or discussions regarding appellate practice in criminal proceedings.
Topic Topic Starter Replies Views Last Post PC 21.12 (Educator-Student Sexual Contact Prohibition) - Constitutionality issue WHM 0 2347 October 21, 2005 13:31 Next Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Stride 11 5994 October 12, 2005 08:41 by John Stride New Rule 25.2 (Certification of Appellate Right) Martin Peterson 33 15936 September 27, 2005 08:50 by pkdyer Rule 38.8 (b) Martin Peterson 1 2791 September 17, 2005 12:04 by Merrit Citation Form Martin Peterson 4 5101 September 14, 2005 21:30 by Quiet Man Motion for New Trial after Revocation of Regular Community Supervision Martin Peterson 7 5547 September 08, 2005 12:47 by Martin Peterson TDCAA Appellate Advocacy Course John Stride 1 3171 August 24, 2005 10:28 by kyeary Unconstitutional as applied Whitney 3 3594 August 16, 2005 08:44 by Whitney SPA: Betty Marshall John Stride 1 3334 August 10, 2005 09:06 by pkdyer Local candidates for the SCOTUS John Stride 13 7099 July 21, 2005 11:10 by Scott Brumley unpublished opinions John Stride 1 3156 July 12, 2005 18:02 by Martin Peterson Housekeeping Question Nick A. Moutos 8 5705 July 01, 2005 22:57 by JohnR Dissenting Opinion Can Be a Precedent Martin Peterson 0 2397 June 24, 2005 20:18 44.01(a)(5) and Findings Martin Peterson 9 5404 May 23, 2005 08:26 by John Stride Precedent in Transferred Cases david curl 1 3200 May 10, 2005 13:09 by John Stride New book: The Appellate Prosecutor John Stride 0 2884 May 08, 2005 10:43 Recusal/Special Prosecutor Nick A. Moutos 3 3704 May 06, 2005 19:08 by LT PDR technical question WHM 4 4062 April 22, 2005 11:24 by WHM The French and double jeopardy John Stride 0 2580 April 14, 2005 08:38 Westlaw beats CCA (and Lexis) Jeff Garon 14 7578 April 08, 2005 13:07 by John Stride Frivolous Appeals in CPS cases Dan Hoffman 7 6125 April 08, 2005 12:03 by david curl Bar of US Supreme Court Michael Hess 4 3772 March 19, 2005 15:48 by pkdyer Abate Appeal? pkdyer 4 6354 March 10, 2005 11:31 by Martin Peterson Dallas publishing cases John Stride 1 3211 March 02, 2005 13:39 by Martin Peterson Wasted Paper JB 0 2383 February 21, 2005 17:16 11.072 CCP Question Nick A. Moutos 4 4074 February 18, 2005 15:42 by JB Can State make Def proposed findings part of record? pkdyer 3 3384 February 08, 2005 10:18 by Martin Peterson who is the proper party to represent appeal pkdyer 2 3553 January 31, 2005 12:16 by pkdyer Do prosecutors have any ethical duty to report a finding of IAC? App Nerd 2 3347 January 13, 2005 20:18 by Martin Peterson Ending Release on Appeal Bond Al Davis 4 4813 December 22, 2004 15:19 by kyeary Another Description of Harmless Error Martin Peterson 0 2340 November 07, 2004 10:27 John Jasuta's Habeas handout Michael West 4 4753 November 05, 2004 09:24 by sp Frantic Pointing? Cole Spainhour 2 3497 October 28, 2004 16:26 by Clay A. Who has jurisdiction? pkdyer 1 2793 October 18, 2004 16:03 by david curl Interesting recusal claim Merrit 0 2791 October 10, 2004 14:12 Jurisdiction? pkdyer 1 2742 September 20, 2004 12:25 by david curl Best author of criminal opinions John Stride 1 3461 September 17, 2004 15:10 by JB Attorneys who like to testify Elizabeth G. 6 4478 September 14, 2004 15:22 by Elizabeth G. What's up with the Texas Supreme Court? Scott Brumley 5 4158 September 03, 2004 23:30 by Martin Peterson What could the State have done? Martin Peterson 0 2413 August 28, 2004 11:52 CCA procedures Robert McGlohon 2 3414 August 25, 2004 11:13 by JohnR new statutes Robert McGlohon 7 5286 August 20, 2004 13:05 by JohnR resentencing AgProsecutor 2 2947 August 12, 2004 10:01 by Martin Peterson Recognizing inevitable discovery under Texas law John Stride 3 6370 August 02, 2004 07:38 by John Stride Hawkins david curl 0 2016 July 27, 2004 14:01 Citation Form Martin Peterson 8 11302 July 20, 2004 11:31 by Martin Peterson taking the chaos out of execution dates david curl 1 2588 July 08, 2004 15:45 by KSchaefer Stacked Sentences John Brasher 1 2630 June 11, 2004 11:44 by david curl Plea after suppression? Gordon LeMaire 2 2944 June 08, 2004 16:11 by david curl Ineffective Assistance Gordon LeMaire 2 4351 May 28, 2004 14:39 by Gordon LeMaire