This forum is for attorneys in the appellate divisions to seek counsel from their brethren, request sample briefs on a particular subject, or simply air questions or discussions regarding appellate practice in criminal proceedings.
Topic Topic Starter Replies Views Last Post sentance after appeal gcbarrera 8 5852 January 05, 2009 15:50 by JB Recusing an appellate judge JB 0 2814 January 02, 2009 14:36 Motion to Strike Gordon LeMaire 3 5906 December 17, 2008 07:47 by Andrea W Mandamus Go By rk 1 3312 December 16, 2008 08:10 by JAS Motion to Quash Appeal LLefton 1 5094 December 03, 2008 07:52 by Andrea W Insufficient Evidence Gordon LeMaire 2 3896 November 17, 2008 08:36 by Sammy McCrary Writ and time limit for filing Martin Z. 3 5347 November 12, 2008 10:55 by Martin Z. 38.071 sec. 3(b) pkdyer 0 2529 October 14, 2008 15:52 Form for State's response for DNA testing under CCP 64.01? MMB 1 4686 October 08, 2008 07:54 by JAS What do you think? JB 1 3550 October 06, 2008 10:07 by Martin Peterson The "Shining Court on a Hill" No More? Shannon Edmonds 5 4901 September 22, 2008 16:24 by Andrea W Voir Dire on Voluntariness of Confession Fred Edwards 5 7370 September 19, 2008 12:46 by JB TRAP 28.1(a)--State's Appeals accelerated? JohnR 2 4048 September 10, 2008 16:42 by JohnR "This brief is hard!" R.J. MacReady 32 16826 September 04, 2008 15:59 by David Newell Tables of Authorites software? JohnR 13 10692 September 04, 2008 11:51 by Martin Peterson Motion Dismiss Appeal for want of prosecution pkdyer 12 9074 August 26, 2008 13:16 by JohnR Error Preservation and Rule 21 Martin Peterson 20 13758 August 25, 2008 07:48 by Andrea W Bad Counsel Martin Peterson 0 2458 August 22, 2008 14:00 Erroneously Excluded Evidence Prevent Sufficiency Challenge? Martin Peterson 4 4709 August 21, 2008 15:53 by David Newell New TRAPS david curl 11 7511 August 21, 2008 12:16 by david curl Legislative Intent--research question rk 9 6072 August 19, 2008 10:57 by Shannon Edmonds Same Brief - Different Client Aggregation 6 5163 August 15, 2008 10:56 by rk My reporter's record is in the pen...and won't come home Stephanie Stephens 7 5416 August 06, 2008 15:03 by Martin Peterson The Federal Third Circuit Reverses the FCC's fining of CBS for nipplegate APorter 1 4103 July 26, 2008 09:43 by David Newell Problems with Prolixity Andrea W 4 4343 July 10, 2008 12:16 by Scott Brumley Reply to Motion for Extention of Time to file Appellant's Brief John Greenwood 5 6477 July 08, 2008 08:14 by pkdyer Rule 47.4 Forgotten? Martin Peterson 0 2566 June 14, 2008 14:18 Hit the remorse button! David Newell 1 3361 June 11, 2008 09:28 by Ken Sparks JP Habeas Corpus Aggregation 7 5667 June 02, 2008 14:15 by Andrea W Punishment reversal question sch 6 4969 May 29, 2008 10:35 by JB Legal Writing Seminars Fred Edwards 3 4057 May 15, 2008 09:03 by JAS Truthfulness of Search Affidavit Fred Edwards 5 4674 May 07, 2008 14:15 by Fred Edwards Granting motions after NOA pkdyer 1 3110 April 21, 2008 16:36 by JAS Prayer Examples Aggregation 6 5892 April 16, 2008 09:08 by JohnR Pronoun Fresno Bob 4 4055 April 09, 2008 14:08 by Fresno Bob Researching issues presented to CCA pkdyer 7 5125 April 02, 2008 13:26 by pkdyer Oldest Pending Appeal JB 6 4901 April 01, 2008 05:26 by SWC Guilty Pleas pkdyer 3 3490 March 25, 2008 14:13 by JohnR expert testimony for lasers? mll 1 3629 March 20, 2008 18:41 by david curl Roll-over affidavits JAS 10 6273 March 06, 2008 09:25 by APorter State's duty to file a brief Andrea W 4 4379 February 19, 2008 13:12 by Bill Burnett Punishment only new trial JAS 4 3994 February 08, 2008 09:39 by JAS Honesty in Briefing JohnR 7 6823 January 30, 2008 12:39 by Stephanie Stephens Memorandum Opinions Martin Peterson 24 13682 December 28, 2007 14:00 by JohnR Stacking on a Remanded Sentence PLEASE HELP! SPU Melinda 0 2392 December 26, 2007 11:18 Hypothetical ethical question Shannon Edmonds 17 9037 December 04, 2007 13:48 by Jeff Garon Brief Filing Question Jim Tirey 1 2971 November 20, 2007 20:15 by david curl Wooldridge Martin Peterson 13 7817 November 05, 2007 08:14 by JB Records retention & habeas JAS 4 6336 October 23, 2007 18:08 by JB Time limit for filing a state's appeal? kyeary 17 8052 October 15, 2007 10:08 by Shannon Edmonds