Administrator Member
| I think it's good to have some non-ivory-tower types on the Court, as long as they remain in the minority. |
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| I think it would be helpful if a supreme court member had trial court experience, or just trial experience, then he would have a better idea how opinions are used in the court room. I don't think any of the justices have very much, if any, trial experience. Apparently CJ Rhenquist agreed with that thought. One year, during the summer recess, he tried to sit as a district judge to hear cases. (He had no real courtroom experience, as I remember) As I recall, it proved to be such a zoo, that he gave it up. However, the Supremes decide all kinds of questions that have nothing to do with trial work.  |
| Posts: 687 | Location: Beeville, Texas, U.S.A. | Registered: March 22, 2001 |  
| Thanks for the compliment greg, but when bush offered me the position, I had to decline. Sure, I love appellate law, but my resume is devoid of any Texas Lottery Commission experience. Indeed, unlike Miers, I've never even had to fire anyone unjustly for purely political reasons. Besides, I said, I'm unwilling to undergo a sex-change operation, even if it would get me a seat on the Supreme Court. You have to draw the line somewhere. |
| Posts: 1243 | Location: houston, texas, u.s.a. | Registered: October 19, 2001 |  
Administrator Member
| Geez, I guess I better clarify my earlier post ... I meant the ivory tower of the appellate courts and law schools, where the residents have drawn nothing but government paychecks their entire adult lives. Not that there is anything wrong with that type of life -- I'm just arguing for some diversity. You could even argue that we don't have enough ivory-tower types on our own Supreme Court due to their status as elected officials, I suppose. ...
-------------------------- (from 1. ivory tower n. A place or attitude of retreat, especially preoccupation with lofty, remote, or intellectual considerations rather than practical everyday life.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Translation of French tour d'ivoire : tour, tower + de, of + ivoire, ivory.]
Source: The American Heritage� Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
2. ivory tower
A place or attitude of retreat, remoteness from everyday affairs, as in What does the professor know about student life, living as he does in an ivory tower? This term is a translation of the French tour d'ivoire, which the critic Saint-Beuve used to describe the attitude of poet Alfred de Vigny in 1837. It is used most often in reference to intellectuals and artists who remain complacently aloof.
Source: The American Heritage� Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. |
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| C'mon, Shannon, give us some inside "scoop" on Harriet Miers! Surely you still have a few administration "contacts." My abiding hope is that given the longstanding relationship Ms. Miers has had with the President, surely they've discussed all of the various "hot" constitutional issues of the day and he's satisfied that she's of the Scalia/Thomas mold. Reckon she'll be relying on French law in her death penalty jurisprudence? |
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