| Yes--the case is set for argument on May 7 In the interim give me a call at 940-349-2750 and we can talk in detail Lee Veness |
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| by the way, the actual court ruling, while appearing on the surface to be a victory for the ZENNERS, has a little stinger for mass gathers----read the requirements that the court found to still be enforceable that are in the TAC. So while under the district court opinion, some Zenners or whoever can argue that they may not necessarily have to get a permit--and that issue will still be further debated in upcoming events---those TAC requirements are still enforceable and are worth a careful look.  |
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| As an update, on July 23, 2004, the federal district court in the Northern District modified its stance on the First Amendment constitutional issue of the TMGA where it had previously invalidated the statute on its face, and has now ruled that the statute itself is not facially unconstitutional. The Court did speculate that while it may be possible to abuse the statute in such a manner that might give rise to an "as applied" challenge in the future under the right set of facts, this was not the issue currently before the court. As a result, the district court rendered final judgment against plaintiff's constitutional challenges and upheld the statute.  [This message was edited by LV on 07-26-04 at .] |
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