| Yes--it is best done through an ICA (or other properly written agreement), as an individual commissioner can not obligate the County or use his resources to work on anything except county roads, except through an ICA (or other proper agreement) and Commissioners Court approval. Not to say that there never is an occaision where an individual commissioner might fail to get CC approval. I believe the original statutes were written before the general ICA statutes came into play, so as long as Commissioners Court and the other gov't body agree, in writing, per the terms of the various Transportation Code provisions, then you should be good to go.  |
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| Also note that these statutes, as far as I can remember, state that the commissioners court can authorize these matters, and do not mention individual commissioners. When it comes to County law, as a general rule (subject to all the loopholes Brumely can find), a county or individual commissioner can only do what a statute expressly authorizes, unlike a city where the law has to expressly forbid the action for the action to be prohibited. |
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| Sometimes i think it is similar to what it says in the Good Book, about a prophet is without honor in his own village (or country--I forget which) Been there on that, upon occaision, if "you all know what I mean" |
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| opps that is "Brumley" this site needs to add spell cecker  |
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| Yes, your highness. If you got any blindfolds that are extra and not needed, send them to us. We sure could put them to good use......... |
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