Lisa, on the last 3-4 that I have done, the case worker or guardinaship specialist has provided me with forms or predrafted petitions, orders, etc. using the froms previously used by the Dept. attorneys. They have been emailing them to me so I can "tweek" them to my taste. Although not the perfect solution, it has worked fairly well so far and saves a little work on my already overworked staff. Hope this helps...if you need anymore info, call!
Same here in Ector County. Paperwork is supplied by the caseworker for our signature. Any questions prior to printing are solved by email attachment and editing by me.
Let me rephrase my earlier comment: all prosecutors who represent the state in the prosecution of cases in the county courts must handle adult guardianship cases after 9/1/05. That is not always the county attorney. And there is a specific provision for Harris Co.
Posts: 2432 | Location: TDCAA | Registered: March 08, 2002