| Since the "last passed" rule doesn't seem to be of assistance, I think an argument could be made that section 311.026, Government Code (special law controls over general in case of irreconcilable conflict) settles the issue. More particularly, of the two provisions concerning "Confidentiality of Social Security Number," SB 473 appears to be the more specific, since it expressly addresses nonapplicability to the government, a governmental subdivision or agency. By contrast, HB 611 includes the government within its scope only through the sweeping definition of "person" found in section 311.005(2) of the Government Code. Concurrently, it may be argued that SB 473 demonstrates a clear, express legislative intent to exclude governmental entities from the scope of the statutory proscriptions regarding social security numbers, while SB 611 at most includes governmental entities by indirect, implicit use of terminology. Moreover, statutory construction canons require that both provisions be given effect, if possible. Excluding governmental entities has no real impact on SB 611, but canceling the governmental exclusion of SB 473 vitiates a considerable quantum of its express provisions. To give both effect, then, the logical reading is to apply SB 473 as an exception to SB 611, at least insofar as governmental entities are affected. Or we could heed the words of an old Potter County JP: "Don't you bring that lawyer bag of tricks into my courtroom, son."  |
| Posts: 1233 | Location: Amarillo, Texas, USA | Registered: March 15, 2001 |  