| I haven't checked this out, but I think there are federal rules regulating where and how mail boxes must be placed. Just a thought. |
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| Is there a federal law which prohibits planting flowers around the steel T-post that holds the mail box? BTW, I have a big ugly concrete ROW marker right in the middle of our property. I asked the TxDot man if I could pull it up or move it, and he went into full bore linear panic. My MIL has one in her yard as well. A year or so ago, I accidentally hit it, causing it to list at a 45 degree angle. TxDot has never seemed to pick up on that! Is there room for a new legal specialty here..."mail box law?" Sic-em Russ! |
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| The commissioners are considering a brochure to be given out when the septic permits are issued, covering this and other issues. However, with regard to those R2-D2  pillars already erected, how have y'all been handling the demolition? Anyone come up with a way to explain it in terms of TXDOT regulation? Also, what's the county's liability if some kid smashes into one of these at 50 mph? Have any of you found any solutions? Some of the mailboxes are 12 inches from the road! [This message was edited by Etta Warman on 11-14-06 at .] |
| Posts: 85 | Location: Abilene TX | Registered: March 17, 2005 |  