| We file a delinquency charge for contempt and then, when they come to court place them on deferred prosecution or, after adjudication, place them on probation, as appropriate. We have a fairly rigorous screening procedure with one prosecutor (me) assigned to these cases, so that the JP can't just make the referral and have the case filed without working with the DA prior to the referral. I actually get about 50-60 of these cases a year - and usually the juveniles involved have fairly serious problems. Our protocol calls for them to be placed into detention when the referral is made and often the pre-court detention is enought to get them to straighten out and correct their truant behavior (remember, they were working with the prosecutor BEFORE the referral so we know when they are coming and they are "prebooked" into detention). On disposition there have been a very few that were removed from the home - but only to non-secure settings, because the law does not allow a child adjudicated for contempt to be placed into a secure setting. |
| Posts: 113 | Location: Houston, Texas,USA | Registered: October 30, 2001 |  