| There will be multiple opportunities in the next few months to receive top-notch Victim Advocate training. At our Annual Criminal and Civil Law Update (September 18th in Galveston), we have an entire track dedicated to Key Personnel and Victim Advocates, including talks on dealing with domestic violence victims, improving VAC services in your office, recanting child witnesses and more. Plus, our Key Personnel and Victim Advocate Coordinator seminar (November 5th through the 7th in San Antonio) has three full days dedicated to relevant issues of the prosecutors' office VAC, including sexual assault victims, Crime Victims Compensations information, how to deal with stress and burnout, domestic violence and protective order legal update, legislative preview of the 2009 session, and more. Feel free to contact me with any additional questions you may have, and we hope to see you soon! |
| Posts: 30 | Location: austin, tx, usa | Registered: January 10, 2001 |  
| I apologize for my late reply, but I have been on the road training, so I just got this request. We have our 2009 Training Calendar here on the website, and it's just a click away: me know if you have any additional questions, and thanks for your interest in our trainings! |
| Posts: 30 | Location: austin, tx, usa | Registered: January 10, 2001 |  