| | Topic | Topic Starter | Replies | Views | Last Post |
 |  | Official Case Summaries Discussion | <Sean Johnson> | 0 | 1787 |
 |  | Get it off your chest, yo! | Sarah Wolf | 23 | 11250 | by GG |
 |  | Texas Sized Egg on Face | RTC | 105 | 60174 | by R_Smith |
 |  | Still dangerous (future and otherwise) | A.P. Merillat | 1 | 2367 | by Greg Davis |
 |  | Was he trying to get in or out? | Andrea W | 8 | 4274 | by JAS |
 |  | It takes a village... | GG | 0 | 1671 |
 |  | Ass put in the "hole" | JAS | 2 | 2845 | by SAProsecutor |
 |  | Warrant discovered through dispatch and hearsay | JC | 3 | 3318 | by JC |
 |  | Solution to prison overcrowding | Shannon Edmonds | 3 | 3862 | by A.P. Merillat |
 |  | HELP! | tracygaines | 7 | 4358 | by tracygaines |
 |  | Special Plea for DWI First? | JB | 18 | 20078 | by Andrea W |
 |  | Minnesota Defendant wins breathalyzer source code | AlexLayman | 20 | 17593 | by AlexLayman |
 |  | Sleeze in the Courtroom | Martha W. Warner | 1 | 2708 | by Ken Sparks |
 |  | By what law? | JB | 2 | 2881 | by AB |
 |  | Why the Death Penalty? | JB | 2 | 2775 | by AlexLayman |
 |  | User Forum is a Heavy Duty tool for the busy prosecutor | Terry Breen | 2 | 2715 | by Ken Sparks |
 |  | Case Summaries Discussion Thread - 5/18/08 | <Sean Johnson> | 3 | 2744 | by Jeromie |
 |  | Can prosecutors be fair jurors? | JB | 23 | 16973 | by Adam Poole |
 |  | Use Jail Phone Call | JB | 13 | 7544 | by GG |
 |  | Butter Phobia? | Stephanie Stephens | 3 | 5434 | by GG |
 |  | A Very Bad Arrest | RTC | 47 | 32504 | by Andrea W |
 |  | Latest DNA exoneration is not from Dallas County | JohnR | 3 | 3391 | by David Newell |
 |  | Mandatory blood draw /causation issue | K. Bell | 7 | 4762 | by Gretchen |
 |  | Oscar Sherrell Award nominations | Joe Willis | 0 | 1857 |
 |  | DWI w/child | Bi Hunt | 20 | 16789 | by JB |
 |  | Destruction of Evidence | Robert | 1 | 2736 | by Ken Sparks |
 |  | Nice shout out for my man Scott Durfee | GG | 11 | 8203 | by JB |
 |  | any special questions? | DJC | 7 | 4901 | by R.J. MacReady |
 |  | Retaliation | Gordon LeMaire | 3 | 2823 | by Gordon LeMaire |
 |  | DWI | Anne Pickle | 8 | 4394 | by JohnR |
 |  | Order to compel HIV testing | sch | 3 | 2786 | by sch |
 |  | Grand Jury Suspect Warnings in Spanish needed!!! | ML | 0 | 1808 |
 |  | Working with MADD | Clay A. | 10 | 7494 | by Fred Edwards |
 |  | Agreement with CI | JC | 1 | 2310 | by Jeff Swain |
 |  | Are DNA familial searches in our future? | Shannon Edmonds | 3 | 2712 | by JSH |
 |  | Man convicted of 14 felonies asks for probation | Rachel Patton | 5 | 3906 | by Sherri Tibbe |
 |  | D'oh! | Shannon Edmonds | 9 | 4896 | by Waco |
 |  | Help- multicount verdicts | DJC | 14 | 6887 | by David Newell |
 |  | Forensic Accountant/Book-keeper | Fred Edwards | 8 | 4931 | by Shannon Edmonds |
 |  | Big Brother = Big Joke Pt. 2 | RTC | 0 | 2037 |
 |  | A Clean House | RTC | 2 | 2953 | by AlexLayman |
 |  | Citizens increasingly arming themselves against crime | GG | 5 | 4058 | by Terry Breen |
 |  | More on Money Laundering | J Ansolabehere | 4 | 3561 | by Larry L |
 |  | Big Brother = Big Joke | RTC | 8 | 5323 | by RT |
 |  | Training materials... | JSH | 7 | 5324 | by JSH |
 |  | Counting the Innocent | JB | 5 | 3865 | by GG |
 |  | forfeiting computers as criminal instruments | JohnR | 10 | 4256 | by AlexLayman |
 |  | Impound Vehicle for No Drivers License? | jaime tijerina | 4 | 4294 | by J Ansolabehere |
 |  | 31.03 Theft Enhancement | Robert | 1 | 4199 | by jsboone |
 |  | Stipulation to DNA Evidence | Stephen Bristow | 0 | 2036 |