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No New ContentDiscussion TopicPull up your pantsJB4432987
by JB
No New ContentDiscussion TopicDWI 2nd - improper to mention first conviction?
Guy charged with DWI-2nd, class A
Matt Heermans53547
by Clay A.
No New ContentDiscussion TopicDefense Expert on Insanity
Dr. Steven Schneider
No New ContentDiscussion TopicBail Jumping Does Not Continue
Penalty ends on first failure to appear
Martin Peterson01478
No New ContentDiscussion TopicCriminal Trespass of ChildEast Texas Attorney45697
by Nguyen2485
No New ContentDiscussion TopicNonviolent Offenders
Rehab or Prison?
by JB
No New ContentDiscussion TopicOnly a drunk would ...JB9151482
by JB
No New ContentDiscussion TopicCreative PunishmentJB3836512
by JB
No New ContentDiscussion TopicPatrol Car Videos
Trouble getting police videos introduced into trial.
Jimmy C53584
by Clay A.
No New ContentDiscussion TopicIndigent defense plans
Residence requirement for court appointment?
Lisa Peterson42962
by Lisa Peterson
No New ContentDiscussion TopicSubpoenas
Need pattern subpoena for email acct
No New ContentDiscussion TopicPBT refusal on video
Any problem with publishing this on DWI scene video?
Matt Heermans22001
by Brody V. Burks
No New ContentDiscussion TopicRevenge Porn
A new crime?
by David H
No New ContentDiscussion Topicwarrantless entry of home
Landlord lets officer in
No New ContentDiscussion TopicBigamy OK as "Co-Habitation"?
The Constitutional Right
by JB
No New ContentDiscussion TopicSO subpoena
moving this over to criminal forum...
Dee Belknap01453
No New ContentDiscussion TopicThe Crime of Late Library Books
this is funny!
C Wilde22500
by Lisa Peterson
No New ContentDiscussion TopicTwitter wars
"Galling" tweets
Scott Brumley12148
by MDK27
No New ContentDiscussion TopicTheft as Lesser of Burglary?
Can Burglary be reduced to Theft?
Dan Hunt32496
by MDK27
No New ContentDiscussion TopicMax Probation length on a SJF deferred
Max deferred probation term on SJF
Stacey L. Brownlee32463
by JB
No New ContentDiscussion TopicCase of Week - Wrong Sentence?
Ard v, State - Wrong sentence?
Fred Felcman32838
by Jon English
No New ContentDiscussion TopicReal Property deed for restitution?
Can a defendant deed over real property to a victim as restitution?
No New ContentDiscussion Topicapplication for probation
Filing or request
by JB
No New ContentDiscussion TopicIntox Assault v. DWI with Child Passenger
Intox Assault v DWI With Child Passenger
by GMcDonald
No New ContentDiscussion TopicReasonable suspicion for defective headlight stopDavid Holmes35420
by e sainz
No New ContentDiscussion TopicFailure to draw blood
Potentially exculpatory?
by Shannon Edmonds
No New ContentDiscussion TopicWrit of Habeas Corpus Ad Prosequendum
Writ of Habeas Corpus Ad Proseqendum
C. Martin12820
by John Greenwood
No New ContentDiscussion TopicRV Park utility disconnects
Is LE now the bill collector for RV Parks?
by Brody V. Burks
No New ContentDiscussion TopicCrawford update
Is it testimonial?
by Brody V. Burks
No New ContentDiscussion TopicAnd now it's time for . . . HAS THE STATUTE TOLLED!!!
Here's an interesting issue concerning sex assault and limitations . . .
by OnTheBorder DAA
No New ContentDiscussion TopicWhat charge?
Defendant failed to report for a jail sentence what can he be charged with?
by C Wilde
No New ContentDiscussion TopicGag Order
Gag Order form?
Mark Marshall21742
by Mark Marshall
No New ContentDiscussion TopicEverything Boating.... While Intoxicated
How to prepare for "My client wasn't driving the boat at the time of the arrest."
OnTheBorder DAA42894
by Clay A.
No New ContentDiscussion Topic25.072 Repeated Violation of Court Orders or Bond Conditions in Family Violence Cases
25.072 Repeated Violations of Certain Court Orders or Conditions of Bond in Family Violence Cases --- Has anyone drafted an indictment under this Code Section since the law changed?
by JP
No New ContentDiscussion TopicAnother way to obtain cell records? Thoughts?TDohoney65836
by TDohoney
No New ContentDiscussion TopicThe Price of Inaction
A delicate balance
by MDK27
No New ContentDiscussion TopicTexas Penal Code (online solicitation) 33.021(b) now facially unconstitutional
33.021(c)still constitutional
Shawn Connally715799
by Kate Squires
No New ContentDiscussion TopicContinuous SX Abuse Charge
Continuous SX Abuse Charge
by Kate Squires
No New ContentDiscussion TopicMotion to Revoke Passport
by bkaminar
No New ContentDiscussion TopicFees/Expenses that can be charged to Bonding Company?
Bondsman goes off Bond--Sheriff's Dept et al goes to re-arrest. What if any can Sheriff charge and recover for cost, expense, time incurred on re-arrest?
by Jason Bujnosek
No New ContentDiscussion TopicReasonable Suspicion based on Liability Insurance Database?Eric Kugler4338246
by Terry Breen
No New ContentDiscussion TopicJones and GPS
Warrant or not?
by Arlen Pruitt
No New ContentDiscussion Topic543.009 Failure to Appear
Does anyone have prose they use for "failure to appear" under 543.009 Transportation Code?

According to the CCA, all failure to appear offenses (where the underlying offense was in the Transportation Code) MUST be prosecuted under 543.009 and NOT under 38.10(a) of the Penal Code.

We've been doing it wrong for....well, forever.
Lori J. Kaspar01938
No New ContentDiscussion TopicThings to be Thankful For........
Why Prosecutors Adore Stupid Criminals
No New ContentDiscussion TopicOfficer Thank-You Letters
Using this letter is a great way to inform your law enforcement officers that defendants they arrested have pled in court.
Lori J. Kaspar12066
by Shannon Edmonds
No New ContentDiscussion TopicInvestigator of the Year
Soliciting Nominations for Chuck Dennis Award
by tvogel
No New ContentDiscussion Topic21.15 PC - Improper Photography
Is this it?
John Brick33486
by John Brick
No New ContentDiscussion TopicQuanell X
privilege asserted by Quanell X???
Thomas Pfeiffer32689
by MDK27
No New ContentDiscussion TopicPlea Deals
DA uses plea to get confession.
by Troy5_0
No New ContentDiscussion TopicWalmart Heiress Asks To Expunge DWI Arrest
From CBS<BR><BR><a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Elijah Lovejoy32967
by MDK27
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