DULUTH, Minn. (AP) -- A Minnesota man has pleaded guilty to driving his motorized La-Z-Boy chair while drunk. A criminal complaint says 62-year-old Dennis LeRoy Anderson told police he left a bar in the northern Minnesota town of Proctor on his chair after drinking eight or nine beers.
Prosecutors say Anderson's blood alcohol content was 0.29, more than three times the legal limit, when he crashed into a parked vehicle in August 2008. He was not seriously injured.
The charges should depend on the type of harp the suspect used. If it was an old Marine Band, then just file the assault. If he used a Meisterklasse, file the assault AND the felony abuse of a fine instrument.
And, I still aspire to someday sit in with the Lesser Includeds.
Posts: 60 | Location: Austin, TX US | Registered: December 21, 2005
If you're from Austin, the undisputed home of original Texas music, AND you know what a Meisterklasse is, then I don't know if we can perform up to your standards! Well, me, anyway.
The Navy's need for speed is being answered by a pair of warships that have reached freeway speeds during testing at sea.
Independence, a 418-foot warship built in Alabama, boasts a top speed in excess of 45 knots, or about 52 mph, and sustained 44 knots for four hours during builder trials that wrapped up this month off the Gulf Coast. The 378-foot Freedom, a ship built in Wisconsin by a competing defense contractor, has put up similar numbers.
Excuse me, JB, but I wasn't through with my relevant post to this very active and famous thread of yours: RW, we Lesser Includeds, like the executive branch of the federal government, our very inclusive, and we welcome dissenting views in musical and rhythmic expressions, even to the point of allowing banjo-picking on stage, in moderation of course, and after most of the adoring APLI fans have either left the building or become incapacitated in some way or another.
Now, JB, you can continue with adding to the amazing numbers of views & responses to this most remarkable thread.
Relevancy, harmonicas and banjos are words that do not belong in the same posting together. A harmonica is basically a stringless banjo, or if you will, a banjo is basically a harmonica with strings.
Posts: 2578 | Location: The Great State of Texas | Registered: December 26, 2001
A father who allegedly shot and killed his teenage son during an argument over a video game surrendered Sunday to police after a brief standoff with SWAT officers at a southwest Houston apartment, authorities said.
Spurs guard Manu Ginobili has been placed on a precautionary regimen of rabies vaccinations after his now-famous run-in with a flying bat during a game Halloween night.
Tellez must serve half his sentence before he is eligible for parole because state District Judge Jeanine Howard ruled that the heroin was a deadly weapon.
BRIDGEVILLE, Pa. -- Police say a western Pennsylvania man told them he kicked his girlfriend's puppy to death because he was upset that the pit bull wouldn't behave before the start of the Pittsburgh Steelers game.
Arrest warrant sought for Galveston Co. hot pie attack
GALVESTON A man who smacked his sister in the face with a piece of hot pecan pie on Thanksgiving Day may end up in jail on an aggravated assault charge