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No New ContentDiscussion TopicForgery Proof - US Currency
Proving lack of authorization
East Texas Attorney12361
by Jon English
No New ContentDiscussion TopicCross exam of battered spouse expert
Cross exam of battered spouse expert
No New ContentDiscussion TopicGuidelines for traffic fatalities
Does anyone have them?
by Tuck
No New ContentDiscussion TopicSearch/Miranda Question
Asking person under arrest about contraband hidden on person? Need Miranda? First time I have run into this issue.
by Jon English
No New ContentDiscussion TopicField testing devices for synthetic marijuana
Local police department is looking at getting a device called TruNarc. Anyone else using these? Any luck getting the results admitted in court?
by Brody V. Burks
No New ContentDiscussion Topicsearch question
Searching person of driver under automobile exception?
Ben Smith22756
by Jon English
No New ContentDiscussion TopicTake the challenge
Get your bucket or get your wallet.
by J Ansolabehere
No New ContentDiscussion TopicWrit of Habeas Corpus
Defendant is seeking writ of habeas corpus to set aside a judgment on a class c drug paraphernalia charge because it is jeopardizing her status as a permanent resident.
by Eric C. Carcerano
No New ContentDiscussion TopicForgery by passing
Person who took the instrument
by Shannon Edmonds
No New ContentDiscussion TopicANSWERED
Thank you!
by Shannon Edmonds
No New ContentDiscussion TopicDeferred probation revoked, when is date of final conviction?
which date to use?
by LRichards
Our crime scene tech who lifted the print is dead...
No New ContentDiscussion TopicXLR-11
What is It?
East Texas Attorney76949
by Lori J. Kaspar
No New ContentDiscussion TopicPassenger
Authority to not only detain but physically search a passenger in a vehicle....
by Brent Robbins
No New ContentDiscussion TopicJail log considered Gov't Doc?
Are false entries in log book tampering?
DK Sanders22437
by DerekE
No New ContentDiscussion TopicMorton Act Presentation for Law Enforcement
Morton Act Presentation for Law Enforcement
by Jon English
No New ContentDiscussion TopicHIV Infected Transmits Virus to Unknowing Victim
Will aggravated assault/DW apply to HIV positive suspect transmitting virus to unknowing victim?
Michael Burns64332
by APorter
No New ContentDiscussion TopicGift Card as Debit Card Abuse?
Gift Card as cash or debit card
by Griffin
No New ContentDiscussion Topichindering secured creditor venue
CCP 13.09 doesn't seem to fit
Ben Smith01593
No New ContentDiscussion TopicISF Credit
What happens if you fail ISF
No New ContentDiscussion TopicEnhancements
How many times can you enhance?
by 1nachwa
No New ContentDiscussion Topicmotion to disqualify
motion to disqualify
No New ContentDiscussion TopicAny liability???
What are the ramifications for an employee of a D.A.'s Office turning over a copy of an active felony file to an attorney in a civil case?
by A. Diamond
No New ContentDiscussion TopicMotion to Quash Manufacture Simulated Controlled Substance
Quashing an indictment for simulated controlled substance
East Texas Attorney01574
No New ContentDiscussion TopicExtraneous or not?
DWI video
Matt Heermans22288
by Matt Heermans
No New ContentDiscussion TopicMisdemeanor Harassment
Is a public Facebook post an "electronic communication" for purposes of the misdemeanor harassment statute?
by Brody V. Burks
No New ContentDiscussion TopicTesting for HIV/AIDSLisaS22722
by e sainz
No New ContentDiscussion TopicTS discovery question
Matt Heermans74050
by Matt Heermans
No New ContentDiscussion TopicProbationer's Facebook account
can probation officer change password?
Cassandra Cheek12572
by Brody V. Burks
No New ContentDiscussion TopicPsychology/Psychiatry in Sex Assaults of Child
why does the defense want these experts?
by nwood
No New ContentDiscussion TopicSAFPF Credit
Unsuccessful discharge from halfway house?
by DerekE
No New ContentDiscussion Topic"Super" Agg Sexual Assault Jury Charge
Does anyone have a pattern jury charge for the victim under 6 years of age "Super" Agg Count?
by Kate Squires
No New ContentDiscussion TopicCredit Report
Go-By for a court order to obtain a credit report?
No New ContentDiscussion Topicpunishment chargeAnne Pickle12226
by e sainz
No New ContentDiscussion TopicClass C Charging Documents
Other counties having issues?
by ekquisenberry
No New ContentDiscussion TopicJury charge for dove baiting
Jury charge for hunting a baited field ?
Katherine McAnally01577
No New ContentDiscussion TopicDisposing of blood evidence
Any suggestions as to how to dispose of blood evidence after the trial court has lost jurisdiction?
by Brody V. Burks
No New ContentDiscussion TopicDomestic Violence in Correctional Facilities
Domestic Violence in Correctional Facilities
by Brody V. Burks
No New ContentDiscussion TopicFirearms and Probation
Any other counties routinely prohibit probationers from possessing firearms?
Clint M22303
by David H
No New ContentDiscussion Topicenhancing Misd. theft to SJF with theft priors
theft priors used to enhance to felony
Ben Smith12748
by Jon English
No New ContentDiscussion TopicTwitter SW
Seeking a twitter SW
by JRW
No New ContentDiscussion Topiccell phone search warrant
do we need warrant
by JohnR
No New ContentDiscussion TopicPretrial Intervention/Diversion Fees
fees for pretrial diversion
by Shannon Edmonds
No New ContentDiscussion TopicConfession
Two part video statement with Miranda only on first part...
by Andrea W
No New ContentDiscussion TopicMojo, Spice, K2, JWH-018, Fake Weed, ...Shannon Edmonds2541547
by Brody V. Burks
No New ContentDiscussion TopicJoining Co-DefendantsR.Callahan54354
by Lauren H
No New ContentDiscussion TopicExtraneous Child Sexual Abuse
Child Sexual Abuse Victim Whose Case Previously No-Billed
Kate Squires01637
No New ContentDiscussion TopicCounty-provided cameras in courtroom
Who has them?
by Versel
No New ContentDiscussion TopicHelp, please 6-22 trial
How do you handle deadly weapon allegation that was noticed, not indicted
by Andrea W
No New ContentDiscussion TopicParental Consent for Branding
Can a 17 year old be branded without a parent's consent?
by JohnR
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