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No New ContentDiscussion TopicAlternate methods to prove up a prior judgment?
Unusable fingerprint
Matt Heermans117267
by JohnR
No New ContentDiscussion TopicTestimonial Immunity
Is there a general authority for courts to grant testimonial immunity?
by Martin Peterson
No New ContentDiscussion Topiccourt admonishments - waivers of counsel
Question - How do other counties handle communication with unrepresented misdemeanor defendants
by Shannon Edmonds
No New ContentDiscussion TopicBrief on Article 38.37
Issue in brief on extraneous sex acts
Kate Squires01779
No New ContentDiscussion TopicRelease without bond
release without bond
by GMcDonald
No New ContentDiscussion TopicCrawford and Protective Orders
Now I say it, now I don't.
by Martin Peterson
No New ContentDiscussion TopicSheriffs and Release of InmatesV'Anne Huser23158
by mhartman
No New ContentDiscussion TopicContempt of Court- Probating the sentence?
Contempt of Court Question
by Clay A.
No New ContentDiscussion Topicwrit of testificandum
writ help
by ssj
No New ContentClosedDiscussion TopicHunting Lawsuit-Need Advice
Please advise on what to do.
by GaryB
No New ContentDiscussion TopicOCA Ignition Interlock Judgment Special Order
OCA Special Orders
No New ContentDiscussion TopicCredit Card Abuse
Looking for Voir Dire guidance
Lauren H01626
No New ContentDiscussion TopicDefense Motion for DWI Breath Test Evidence
A defense attorney has submitted a cookie-cutter Motion for Discovery of DWI Breath Test Evidence. Multiple references are made to the "OSD-TSD-01" and the "AutoCal Procedures".
Dan Hunt22575
by Brody V. Burks
No New ContentDiscussion TopicThe Last WordsJB520293454
by Brody V. Burks
No New ContentDiscussion TopicGrand Jury Subpoenas
Using Grand Jury subpoenas to get misdemeanor evidence
by Ben Smith
No New ContentDiscussion TopicRevocations In Absentia
Forms and Procedures
No New ContentDiscussion TopicCore Work Product & case declined
Defense attorney subpoenaed correspondence between prosecutor's office and law enforcement agency
Lori J. Kaspar32975
by Martin Peterson
No New ContentDiscussion TopicCharging Manual
Anyone have indictment language for 521.456(b)?
by RScifres
No New ContentDiscussion TopicNovel Defense Argument
Failure to Comply with Sex Offender Registration - Failing to update change in employment
by jem
No New ContentDiscussion TopicMotion and Order Sealing Medical Records from Public View
Sample form?
Lauren H85137
by Lauren H
No New ContentDiscussion TopicPrivacy concern for Prosecutors
I discovered my private information was on this website, including a satellite photo of my house!
Lori J. Kaspar12896
by LT
No New ContentDiscussion TopicHabeas in re:to32.51 (Fraudulent Use)
Does anyone have any experience in dealing with an 11.08 writ in relation to 32.51?
by stp
No New ContentDiscussion TopicPublic Intoxication
Hypothetical Danger Associated with Use of Vehicle
Martin Peterson43965
by John.Wilkerson
No New ContentDiscussion TopicEthics opinion 646
Requiring discovery agreements grievable?
Rachel Patton22854
by Martin Peterson
No New ContentDiscussion TopicSame Transaction Contextual Evidence (with a twist) and Acquittal
Acquitted on the felony strangulation...but what about the interference with the 911 call?
Dee Belknap01936
No New ContentDiscussion TopicJustice for the Hasse and McLelland families
Thank you!
No New ContentDiscussion Topicmental disability sexual assault
Do I need an expert?
by Adam Muery
No New ContentDiscussion TopicPowerPoint for Voir Dire
Seeking assistance
Panhandle Native44140
by Panhandle Native
No New ContentDiscussion TopicEvidence Disposal Orders
Alcohol seized from minors
by John Greenwood
No New ContentDiscussion TopicParents using child's prescription
Is there an offense if the parent is using their own child's prescription?
K Massey12109
by Adam Muery
No New ContentDiscussion TopicGrand Jury
Extending Grand Jury
by Adam Muery
No New ContentDiscussion Topic10 questions
I am wanting to find out the 10 questions for officers at the scene of a domestic disturbance.
by Chad B.
No New ContentDiscussion TopicImmunity for witness
Immunity for witness/Defendant - same attorney representing both defendants
by Hubert
No New ContentDiscussion TopicProspective Juror Misconduct
Rule 606(b) Clarified
Martin Peterson01714
No New ContentDiscussion TopicChild Fatality Review Team
Are they beneficial?
by MV
No New ContentDiscussion TopicExpensive inmate
How to release an inmate pending TDC pickup
No New ContentDiscussion TopicCan either person sell car without the other title holder's permission?
A person and a company are listed as owners of a vehicle. Can the person sell the vehicle without the company's agreement?
Terry Breen33981
by Terry Breen
No New ContentDiscussion Topiccriminal
grand jury commissioners
Anne Pickle12208
by Mack T. Harrison
No New ContentDiscussion TopicCert of Service
What rules apply?
by nwood
No New ContentDiscussion TopicDoes the presumption of 31.03 C 7 apply to UUV
Does the presumption of 31.03 C 7 apply to UUV?
Adam Muery22973
by Adam Muery
No New ContentDiscussion TopicThreat to third party at school
Student tells administrator she plans to stab another student who is not present when the threat is made. Has a crime occurred and if so, what?
Keith Houston12071
by Shannon Edmonds
No New ContentDiscussion TopicExperts for converting hospital to whole blood in trial
Brand New DPS Directive see below.
Clay A.01782
No New ContentDiscussion TopicOut of State SXAB on a Continuous Sexual Abuse Case
Can out of state conduct be used as an essential element to prove a CSA case?
Jeff Swain32815
by Jon English
No New ContentDiscussion TopicProbation eligibility
Is a defendant eligible for probation if he has been convicted prior to trial but not prior to his offense?
by Barry Green
No New ContentDiscussion Topicenhancing misd. theft to SJF
what does "any grade of theft" mean?
Ben Smith85908
by Jon English
No New ContentDiscussion TopicJurisdiction of Officer
I thought officers had jurisdiction to arrest inside the county in which their city was located.
Jones CA12270
by Mack T. Harrison
No New ContentDiscussion TopicSatisfaction of Capias Pro Fine
Jailing on Capias Pro fine
by A. Diamond
No New ContentDiscussion TopicArrestable Bond Conditons
Can a peace officer instanter a person, if that officer knows the defendant has bond conditions.
by Walt
No New ContentDiscussion TopicLaying out money in jail
Would like to find out how other counties handle this issue
by mhartman
No New ContentDiscussion TopicDeferred for habitual offendermyoung86108
by Martin Peterson
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